- slides and videos for all course talks are available
- covering Fresnel modeling, MaterialX, Material Composition, Atmospheres system, and Anisotropic shading

- the talk discusses the anisotropic specular techniques
- presenting a new SGGX based filtering approach and fuzz BRDF for use with deferred shading
- shows the importance of directional curvature

- a guide aimed at beginners with Godot engine that presents an overview of the available counters
- shows how to read the counters and use them to guide the process of optimizing rendering performance

- the post lists the minimum requirements and optional features for D3D feature level 12_2

- the article presents a WebGL based technique for caustics rendering
- using a shadow map inspired offscreen target to gather the underwater geometry for intersection testing

- blog post provides an overview the PIX for Windows changes
- seen GPU capture improvement up to 57X at capture time, broader API support

- the blog post contains an overview of the Vulkan Configurator
- provides a demo video and a whitepaper

- collection of resources including a link to open Access Siggraph, interactive article on photogrammetry and history of the USD file format

- how to take advantage of tiling GPU architecture and enable the use of fp16 math
- cloth shading, reduction of energy loss for rough metals, multi-bounce AO

- the blog posts present an analysis of depth buffer precision
- investigates reversed-z with a fixed far plane as well as an infinite projection far plane

- SIGGRAPH 2020 course that presents an overview of inverse-rendering techniques that try to solve the problem of reconstructing a scene description given a final rendering image

- presents a new model for Fresnel reflectance that provides a unification of Schlick and Gulbrandsen models with linear properties within realtime constraints

- Continued discussion on fresnel shading sparked by the talks of Siggraph 2020 - Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice course

Thanks to Nathan Reed for support of this series.
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