Experiments in GPU-based occlusion culling part 2: MultidrawIndirect and mesh lodding [wayback-archive]
- using DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect (on AMD and Nvidia with API extensions)
- all vertices in large buffers with manual vertex fetch in the vertex shader
- how to integrate level of detail for meshes
Using CUDA Warp-Level Primitives [wayback-archive]
- explanation of SIMT (Single Instruction, Multiple Thread) of 32 threads = Wrap
- wrap-level primitives for
- exchange of data between threads
- active thread mask query
- synchronize all threads in a wrap + memory fence
Easy Transparent Shadow Maps [wayback-archive]
- technqiue to allow transparent objects to cast colored shadows onto opaque objects
- render transparents into a color but rejecting pixels that are occluded by opaques
- extension of technique to allow transparent shadows on transparent objects
- showcase of some use-cases
- projectors
- underwater caustics
Area Lights with LTCs [wayback-archive]
- high level overview of the “Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines” technique
Adding depth to 2D with hand-drawn normal maps in The Siege and the Sandfox [wayback-archive]
- normal map used to strengthen the silhouettes instead of adding small surface detail
- how they create the normals maps
Unity - 2018 and Graphics [wayback-archive]
- what graphics features will be coming to unity in 2018
- Scriptable Render Pipelines, will allow C# script to control the render pipeline logic
- Lightweight Rendering Pipeline aimed at low end hardware will be added
- improvements to post processing, HDR rendering and a built-in shader graph
GPU atomic operations performance [wayback-archive]
- comparison of atomic instructions on different GPUs