Optimized Swapchain in Vulkan [wayback-archive]
- discussion of different approaches, overview of strengths and weaknesses
- recommends splitting command buffers into two groups
- pre-acquire (everything that doesn’t write into the swapchain)
- post-acquire (everything that writes into the swapchain)
- allows better GPU utilization, execution of pre-acquire workload doesn’t need to stall waiting for the present
Optimized Swapchain in Vulkan II [wayback-archive]
- how to reduce input -> present latency further
- theoretical model to find a better method for dynamically adaptive workloads while minimizing input latency
A “Bind Once” Approach to Uniform Data [wayback-archive]
- how to use a single descriptor set for all uniform data
- uses a single uniform buffer object
- with fixed size uniform blocks, indexed using a per object push constant
Thoughts on Skinning and LDS [wayback-archive]
- each thread loads one skinning matrix into LDS (local data share)
- all further loads of skinning matrices are done from LDS instead
- discussion of LDS limits for thread occupancy
Unity and Unreal Engine: Real-time Rendering VS Traditional 3DCG Rendering Approach [wayback-archive]
- show what rendering techniques are available in unity / unreal
- how engines can be integrated into the art pipeline
- and be used to render the final movie
Godot 3.0 is out and ready for the big leagues
- full range of Disney’s principled BSDF for physically-based rendering
- Global illumination
- new postprocessing options
- gpu based particles
2D Reflective Water Shader in Unity [wayback-archive]
- how the water reflection effect was setup in The Endless River (2018 Global Game Jam)
- using a second camera to render the scene
- shader effect that uses noise to offset the vertex position to create the movement in the water
Scriptable Render Pipeline Overview [wayback-archive]
- short overview of the concepts and how to cull and render opaque objects using the scriptable render pipeline
What the Heck is Blue Noise? [wayback-archive]
- what are the characteristics of blue noise
- more evenly distributed samples then white noise
- allows fewer samples to cover more space
- helps to reduce aliasing when compared to grid samples
Portable Graphics Abstraction in Rust [wayback-archive]
- the slides are missing the .pdf extension (rename them)
- single RUST API with many backends (D3D12, vulkan, metal, … )
- aim is to implement the vulkan portability layer on top of the hardware abstraction layer
- overview of the AMD open source driver for linux
- architecture of the platform abstraction layer (PAL)