Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 310 - October 22nd, 2023

The Best Darn Grid Shader (Yet)

  • the in-depth article presents how to render a high-quality grid from a shader
  • presents what issues occur when rendering lines commonly
  • shows how to render anti-aliased lines that are free of these common artifacts
  • code is provided for unreal and unity

Setting up PSO Precaching & Bundled PSOs for Unreal Engine

  • the article provides an overview of the methods available in UE5 to deal with Pipeline loading
  • presents timings to show the effect of lacking PSO pre-loading
  • discusses the new methods available and how to use them
  • additionally presents what is still missing for a 100% fluent player experience

[video] Animated Flag - Advanced Materials - Episode 26

  • the video tutorial shows how to animate a flag using vertex shaders
  • step-by-step presents how to develop the effect using Unity and Unreal Engine

[pdf] Bounded VNDF Sampling for Smith–GGX Reflections

  • the paper introduces a method to reduce the amount of rejected rays for tracing rays following a visible normal distribution function (VNDF)
  • the unbiased method improves variance for highly rough and low-anisotropy surfaces

The white furnace test

  • the article presents the white furnace test
  • discusses what the purpose of the test is and provides a real-life example of the behavior
  • additionally provides a ShaderToy example of the test and also demonstrates how incorrect sampling can be caught using the test

Book (w/ Turnable Pages) Breakdown

  • the blog post presents how to set up a book with turnable pages
  • shows how to create the art assets and shaders to enable the effect
  • implementation is shown using unity visual shader graph

Doing dynamic resolution scaling? Watch out for texture memory size!

  • the article discusses dynamic resolution scaling and its effect on memory usage
  • presents findings of texture sizes/formats on Nvidia, AMD, and Intel GPUs

New Implementation of LTC Line Lights

  • the article presents three issues with linearly transformed cosine (LTC) Line Lights
  • presents an improved routine that reduces the required usage of arc tangent calculations

Designing Slang’s automatic differentiation

  • the blog post introduces the new automatic differentiation feature for the slang shading language
  • provides an overview of how it’s integrated into the language
  • presents a comparison between tensor and shading languages

The new sokol-gfx WebGPU backend

  • the blog post discusses the implementation of WebGPU into the sokol-gfx library
  • shows what issues had to be solved and how the author resolved them

[video] Introduction To Tessellation in OpenGL

  • the article provides an overview of the tesselation pipeline
  • explains how it fits into the rendering pipeline and what possibilities it enabled
  • presents how to render cubic bezier splies using tesselation
  • implementation is shown using OpenGL

Thanks to Warren Moore for support of this series.

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