Triangle Visibility Buffer [wayback-archive]
- in-depth walkthrough of the GPU triangle culling pipeline
- render into a single render RGBA8 render target, storing drawID + triangle ID
- memory usage comparison with deferred shading
- at shading time
- lookup the triangle ID from the render target
- interpolate vertex attributes at pixel position
- apply shading
- advantages of the technique
- less memory bandwidth required
- better memory coherence during shading
- more material variety, no need to store material data in gbuffers
Re-Testing Vulkan Transform Data Handling Strategies [wayback-archive]
- performance comparison of constant buffer data stored in
- push-constants
- large UBO (device / host memory)
- large SSBO (device / host memory)
- on Nvidia UBO performs significantly better
Octahedral Impostors [wayback-archive]
- better usage of texture space, workflow improvements
- overview of billboard techniques
- using either Hemi-Octahedron or full Octahedron
- how to blend between the different baked directions
- integration into UE pipeline
substance PBR guide [wayback-archive]
Improving the compression of block-compressed textures Revisited [wayback-archive]
- comparison of crunch (unity improved version) with DDS + general purpose compressors
V-EZ brings “Easy Mode” to Vulkan [wayback-archive]
- abstraction layer on-top of vulkan
- implements automatic render barrier management, descriptor pools/sets, memory management, render passes, etc.
- aimed at CAD software, not games
- not open source at this point
- set of lessons explaining shader basics with unity
- how shaders are integrated into the unity pipeline
Ray Tracing at GDC [wayback-archive]
- summary of available ray tracing articles
Announcing Microsoft DirectX Raytracing! [wayback-archive]
- overview of DirectX raytracing api
- discussion of design decisions
- future direction
PIX 1803.16-raytracing – DirectX Raytracing support [wayback-archive]
- pix supports DirectX Raytracing (DXR) API calls
- shows details about resources
- visualization of acceleration structure
- showcase of demos that support DXR
Introduction to NVIDIA RTX and DirectX Raytracing [wayback-archive]
- more in-depth explanation of how the DXR API work
- ray generation -> intersection / any hit -> closest hit / miss
An Idea: Raytracing Lookup Tables [wayback-archive]
- instead of using textures use adaptive-meshes to represent data where required, raytrace against that mesh to get the lookup value
PIX 1803.25 – GPU Occupancy, CPU sampling, automatic shader PDB resolution, and more [wayback-archive]
- allows to see occupancy broken down into different render pipeline stages (NVidia only for now)
- improved CPU profiling
- more memory usage information (command allocators, PSO, descriptor heaps)
- geometry shader and DXR debug support
Daily Pathtracer Part 0: Intro [wayback-archive]
- series about small path tracing experiment with C++, C# and unity C# burst
GPU Ray Tracing in One Weekend [wayback-archive]
- unity implementation of a compute shader ray tracer
- random points on sphere stored in texture
- ray scheduler, store persistent ray state in gpu buffer and iterate, no recursion
- depth of field
- scene change handling
Hello World: OctaneRender 4 is here [wayback-archive]
- free option for single PC available
- Brigade Engine integration (real time path tracing engine)
- many speed improvements
“Ray Tracing Gems” Book Call for Participation [wayback-archive]
- new book, call for authors
- small overview of raytracing history