- the presentation discusses mesh shaders and the techniques they enable
- discusses how to compress index data and how to allow quad source data
- presents the importance of vertex reuse and meshlet generation for performance

- the presentation presents why debugging GPU issues is difficult
- explains how the AMD Radeon GPU detective presents information to help developers track issues down
- presents how to use the tool, read the information, and understand the cause of the issue with the information provided

- the article discusses updates in the Nvidia developer tools
- covers new debugging capabilities, improved performance collection, and profiling tools

- the blog post describes how to implement a procedural grass system using mesh shaders
- explains how the grass mesh is described using bezier curves and combined into a grass patch
- presents how to write the index/vertex buffers for efficient rasterization

- the blog post provides a brief overview of how glossy reflection got added to the GI 1.1 release
- looks at how the denoiser is required to reduce the inherent noise images

- the article provides an overview of the announcements AMD made during GDC
- additionally provides links to the slides and videos of the presentations

- the article explains how to approach differentiable rendering for mesh-based rasterization
- presents the limitations of a simple method and how to achieve it with PyTorch
- expands the idea to expand the idea with soft probability to solve some of the limitations

- the article provides a suggested collection of resources for beginners in graphics programming
- covers mathematics, working with APIs, and writing shaders

- the video provides a brief overview of the difference between physical and logical Vulkan device
- presents the C++ code necessary to implement the device creation

Thanks to Stephen Hill for support of this series.
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