Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 341 - May 26th, 2024

Construction of a Microfacet Specular BSDF: A Geometric Approach

  • the paper provides a walkthrough explanation of the different components that define a BSDF (bidirectional scattering distribution function) that defines the shading behavior of a materials
  • covers the underlying theory, explaining the derivation as well as the geometric interpretations

Hemispherical Lighting Insights

  • the paper introduces models to solve the reconstruction of irradiance in the vertex-normal space
  • applies the developed framework to hemispherical and cone occlusion to volumetric lighting
  • as well as mitigating light leakage for normal-mapped surfaces’ appearance of runtime ambient occlusion
  • shadertoy implementation is provided

Ray Tracing with Voxels in C++ Series – Part 5

  • the series on voxel ray tracer continues by presenting how to accumulate samples over time with a nonstatic camera
  • explains temporal pixel reprojection, how to deal with sub-pixel blending, and how to improve results with occurring object occlusions

Getting Started In Computer Graphics

  • the blog post provides a detailed description for programmers interested in graphics programming
  • explains what the job entails, different specializations in games, and what topics graphics programmers often work on
  • additionally gives insights into the technologies the author recommends to start learning with

Sun Beams / God Rays Shader Breakdown

  • the article explains an approach to implementing Sun Beams using Billboarding techniques
  • implementation is shown using the visual shading language of Unity

Agility SDK 1.614.0: R9B9G9E5 support for Render Targets and UAVs

  • the blog post presents that the latest D3D12 SDK update introduces support for R9B9G9E5 for Render Target and UAVs
  • explains how the R9B9G9E5 format allows higher precisions compared to half-floats and less memory usage than float formats
  • additionally expressed the importance of verifying hardware support

Unity Shader Graph Basics (Part 8 - Scene Intersections 1)

  • the video shows how to implement a shader effect that allows objects to change their appearance close to existing depth values in the depth buffer
  • the presented technique relies on a rendering order that ensures the depth values are written before the objects want to read them
  • technique is implemented using the visual shader language of Unity  

Recording the clear command // Vulkan For Beginners #9

  • the video tutorial continues to discuss the implementation of a Vulkan renderer
  • this week’s videos explain how to clear the back buffer to a solid color in every frame
  • C++ implementation is shown

Thanks to Graham Wihlidal for support of this series.

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