Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 342 - June 2nd, 2024

Efficient Visibility Reuse for Real-time ReSTIR

  • the paper presents a variance reduction technique for ReSTIR aimed at reducing shadow noise
  • presents a comparison against existing methods
  • discusses side-effects of the technique

[video] I3D'24 Technical Paper: Filtering After Shading with Stochastic Texture Filtering

  • extended presentation of the I3D paper presentation discussed last week
  • the paper presents an investigation into applying texture filtering after shading instead of before shading
  • shows comparisons of the approaches and a background into the underlying theory
  • presents guidelines on the tradeoffs and when to use different approaches

Specular Polynomials

  • the paper presents a way to reformulate SDS (a path with at least a specular, diffuse, specular bounce) paths into a polynomial system
  • explains how to use root finding to solve the paths
  • shows the presented solutions for caustics in a unidirectional ray tracer

Ray Tracing with Voxels in C++ Series – Part 6

  • the article series extends the voxel rendering implementation to use path tracing
  • discusses and explains the different components of the rendering equation
  • additionally presents the effect of importance sampling for reduced convergence time

Microsoft® DirectSR and AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution technology

  • the blog post explains the new DirectSR (Super Resolution) API
  • provides a walkthrough of the API and how to integrate it into an existing engine
  • provides an overview and discussion of the different exposed parameters

DXC 1.8.2405 Available Now, Including HLSL 202x

  • the blog post introduces the ongoing work of implementing future HLSL versions directly into Clang
  • discusses the expected difference between legacy and future HLSL versions
  • additionally shows the first version of DXC compiled with clang and performance improvement

Renderdoc - Version v1.33

  • the latest version of Renderdoc includes a custom and improved DXIL disassembler
  • additionally lists the improvements for SM6.6 feature support

Real-Time Physically Guided Hair Interpolation

  • the paper presents a new method that aims to improve hair interpolation from a smaller number of guided hairs
  • presents the theory and implementation of the technique
  • compares against existing solutions in quality and performance

Implementing General Relativity: Rendering the Schwarzschild black hole, in C++

  • the blog post provides a high-level introduction to general relativity
  • takes the underlying theory and shows how to convert it into code
  • shows a C++ based implementation of the technique

Texture Streaming

  • the blog post discusses the streaming system implementation in the Wicked Engine
  • discusses how the data is provided, loading streaming processed in the background, and finalized for rendering
  • additionally discussed techniques to improve streaming information, such as GPU streaming feedback buffers

[video] I3D 2024 Papers Session 2 - Light Transport and Storage

  • video of the I3D 2023 Paper session on Light Transport
  • covers Bounded VNDF Sampling for the Smith–GGX BRDF, ZH3: Quadratic Zonal Harmonics and  Interactive Rendering of Caustics using Dimension Reduction for Manifold Next-Event Estimation

Thanks to Matt Pharr for support of this series.

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