Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 356 - September 8th, 2024

Building Real-Time Global Illumination - Radiance Cascades

  • the blog post continues the discussion of the Radiance Cascades GI technique
  • presents how to use information from a low number of rays to reduce the number of artifacts as much as possible
  • shows the effect of the different steps and how multiple cascades are combined
  • source code and interactive experiments are available

Summing Blue Noise Octaves Like Perlin Noise

  • the blog post presents the effects of combining multiple levels of noise
  • shows this for blue noise, white noise, box noise, and many more
  • additionally, it presents how the demo was made using the open-source Gigi prototyping platform


  • the blog post presents what is required to write deterministic algorithms
  • discusses algorithmic, multithreaded, and cross-platform considerations
  • shows how different compiler options and standard library implementation can affect the results

[video] Explaining my game engine in 2024 - Part1: Triangle mesh tangent space, normal map identification

  • the video provides a summary of how normal maps can be used to augment surface detail
  • presents the derivation of the math that, such as tangent spaces, enables the augmentation
  • additionally presents a method that can be used to approximately detect if a texture contains normal map information

[video] Animated Loading Indicator - Procedural Shapes and Patterns - Episode 11

  • the video presents how to combine polar coordinates, tiling, and blending to create a procedural loading indicator
  • the implementation is shown using Unity and Unreal Visual shading languages

Khronos SIGGRAPH 2024 Rewind

  • the blog post provides a collection of Khronos talks that happened during SIGGRAPH 2024
  • provides a link to the slides as well as the videos

EDIZ: A Critical Look at a Simplistic Image Upscaling Approach

  • the blog post discusses the EDIZ (Error Diffusion Image Zooming) algorithm for image upscaling
  • presents a high-level overview of the technique
  • discuss weaknesses and shortcomings
  • additionally, it presents an implementation of the technique in a code sample

Adventures in Avoiding DAIS Buffers

  • the article presents the authors’ findings when exploring Visibility buffers and methods to access UV derivatives
  • presents the different methods, additional texture channels, ray-tracing into cached vertex transforms, and usage of LDS for short-term caching
  • presents code implementations of the techniques and presents quality comparison videos

Screen Space Shadows

  • the author presents his idea for a screen-space shadow technique that relies on Hierarchical Depth Buffers for each shadow-casting light
  • starts with a brief overview of virtual shadow maps and the difficulties of debugging them that lead to the idea

volk - 1.3.295

  • the release adds support for new Vulkan extensions
  • exposes VK_AMD_anti_lag, VK_KHR_calibrated_timestamps, VK_KHR_pipeline_binary and others

Thanks to Aras Pranckevičius for support of this series.

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