Automated Testing of Graphics Shader Compilers
- targeting GLSL
- uisng metamorphic testing (generating families of programs that should yield identical results)
- sucesfully used to find driver bugs and security issues
Efficient barycentric point sampling on meshes
- unbiased random sampling of points in a triangle using weights and barycentric coordinates
- focusing on sampling within a single triangle
- mentions sources for triangle selection algorithms
Double Hierarchies for Directional Importance Sampling in Monte Carlo Rendering -
Describe a novel representation of the light field tailored to improve importance sampling for Monte Carlo rendering. We provide a reference open source implementation.
High-Level Rendering Using Render Graphs · Our Machinery
- similar ideas to FrameGraph in frostbite
- can execute multipe per frame, frostbite can do the same
- each pass can create, read, write to GPU resource
- additionally also allows inclusing of CPU resources
- how to hide polygon structure in map generations with noisy edges
Stable barycentric coordinates - gpuopen
- how to achieve stable barycentric coordinate ordering independent of vertex locations
Voxel-based Global Illumination
- GPU based
- Voxelization on the GPU
- Cone tracing
More performance, more gameplay - Insomniac Games
Quick overview of:
- Understand the problem
- Understand the data
- Understand the algorithm
- Understand the latency requirements
- Remove waste
Main focus:
- Use the hardware to full effect
Perceptual Insights into Foveated Virtual Reality
- Efficient peripheral rendering is fundamental for VR rendering
- Perceptual evaluations can expose opportunities for significant speedups
Notes on Anti-Aliasing : Texture filtering (part 3)