- in-depth discussion of color spaces
- shows how the color response curve influences which color absolute values are referring to
- explains how to match colors between different color spaces
- how to represent color spaces visually
- what negative color values represent
- defines the standard CIE XYZ and RGB color space and how they have been defined relative to human perception capabilities
- look at the sRGB color space related to all the information covered in the article
- whitepaper explains how to enable GPU assisted validation
- how it is implemented, performance implicatications
- what issues it is a ble to detect and known problems
- walkthrough of two algorithms for forward culling techniques
- stream compaction and flat bit arrays
- presents how to implement scalarazation to reduce atomics overhead and achieve higher occupancy
- presents performance comparisions of the approaches with lights and decals
- presents multiple approaches to calculate MIP mapping textures when using raytracing
- includes performance comparisons for the different methods
- DXR shader implementation of the RayCones mip selection algorithm
- explains how to use GPU instancing
- to render health bars for individual objects
- implementation walkthrough of the OpenGL Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) algorithm
- shows how to implement a parallax effect in the pixel shader
- allows the appearance of depth in materials that is not backed by actual geoemtry
- Vulkan extension that exposes NVIDIA Tensor Cores on Turing GPUs
- video, author presents his approach to reducing of tiling artifacts in terrain textures using a height based approach
- great visual explanation of Convolution Integrals
- many examples that allow to gain a visual understanding of filters commonly used in computer graphics
Thanks to Vivitsu Maharaja @vivitsum for support of this series.
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