- shows the window system abstraction
- can be used to render to a window or into an offscreen render target
- how to allocate temporary data that is only required for the duration of the frame

- the article describes the process to locate a bug in Babylon.js PBR pipeline
- comparison against other rendering engines confirmed the problem
- caused by the difference between spherical polynomials and spherical harmonics

- shows the effect on PBR scene when no tone mapping is applied
- why tone mapping is required and explanation of exposure
- presents how to calculate luminance and the final average exposure required

- presents the process of tone mapping and how curves are used
- shows different kinds of tone mapping curves and their final result
- highlighting what different considerations need to be considered when deciding on a solution

- new PIX version contains a preview of a new timing view
- will support larger capture durations, up to hours
- designed to better visualize a large amount of data collected
- preview because a large number of features are still missing
- team is looking for feedback

- presents how render passes are expressed in the user-facing API
- shows how layout transition for external dependencies are handled
- separate logic for user-created, WSI images and transient images
- suggests that barriers should be treated at a higher level inside a frame graph architecture

- presents a new technique for a stochastic sampling of spherical area lights that is suitable for GPU implementations
- able to reduce noise from unoccluded areas significantly
- based on cutting the projected spherical cap into disks and sampling the disks instead

- the second part of the volumetric cloud rendering series
- explains transmittance and phase functions
- 3D path visualization that presents how phase functions influence the way rays traverse the volume

- an extended version of the GDC 2019 talk
- overview of AABB and BVH
- shows how to build a BVH using bottom up and top down building algorithms and update dynamically
- presenting different strategies

Thanks to Giuseppe Modarelli for support of this series.
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