Graphics Programming weekly - Survey Results

The survey is now closed, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to respond. I received 384 responses, this really helps to decide on my next step for this series.

At first, I want to provide a short summary of the results and next steps. The long form analysis is below.

TLDR Summary

  1. Good mix between game developers and non-game developers, also many new readers
  2. Biggest problem: rediscovering older content, a tough challenge that I want to provide a better solution for, I don’t have a good plan for it yet but I am working on it
  3. Going to look into improving the layout for both email and RSS formats, as there are a large number of readers and the experience could be better
  4. Patreon account will be opened soon, large enough number would like to support the series
  5. Monthly selection requested by more than 74%, will be starting soon. Most likely going to be on Patreon

Let us start off with what the readership of this series looks like.


I am pleased to learn that the readership is quite diverse. Most are game developers, which is not unexpected at all but there are also many non-game developers following the series.

There is a lot of knowledge and ideas we can share between different industries, and I am glad that this series is able to contribute a little to the exchange of ideas.

Update Method

Nearly 13 % prefer to check the website to receive updates, I was expecting this number to be lower since I rarely tend to do that myself with other sources.

For now, it seems reasonably easy to spot new updates. In the future I am planning on writing more original content and discoverability might become less ideal. Going to update once it becomes a problem.

Reading Experience

Most readers are on my website directly, but many are reading the email (15.4%) and RSS (18.9%) format. The email and RSS experience haven’t seen many improvements in recent time, but these usage numbers show that it’s worth spending some time on.


62 % are reading the series every week, and only 15% say that a more customizable experience might make them a more regular reader.

Therefore I will not spend time on making the series more customizable for now. This would most likely be a more complex undertaking that requires server-side work that I have minimal experience with.

Monthly selection

This was a large number of people who would be interested in this idea. 74% would like to see a monthly selection so I will be starting this up soon.


On the content side, most are quite happy, but the biggest problem is the discoverability of content.

The result is not terrible, but 36% gave a rating of 3 and 11% only a 2. This supports my feeling in this regard, and I have been looking into different ways to make it easier.

My Plan:

  1. make sure individual articles are tagged
  2. presents articles in a view that is independent of the week they have been featured in
  3. search function that can find items based on keywords and tags

This is a more substantial undertaking, and I think that this would provide a lot of value.

At this stage, I am still early in the process of finding a solution. I have an idea of what I want but not found an excellent way to express this vision.

I have received a few comments that are requesting more beginner/intermediate level tutorials that are not unity specific.

This does not mean I am going to include less unity content. The community is large and very active in publishing but if you have been thinking about writing something that does not use unity and been wondering if there is enough demand. It seems there is, and I would like to feature your content.


18% would say they would be ready to support the series on Patreon and a large number of nearly 60% are undecided.

Looking at offering a monthly roundup as a reward the results look different. 37% would be interested in this, and 11% would think that 5$ a month would be the right amount for such a selection

I am working on setting up a Patreon, where I will upload the monthly roundup.


Thanks for all the comments that have been made on this survey. It means a lot to me to hear from my readers. I have decided to also open up a comments sections for each newsletter entry.

For now, it is going to be Disqus, but I would like to replace this with a more privacy-focused solution.

And that’s it for now. Let me know what you think about the future direction. In the new comment section below.

Thank You