- the article describes how the architecture of mobile GPUs is different from PC
- shows why load/store operations have a significant impact on mobile
- present a demo application to profile the various load and store operation

- the tutorial shows the steps necessary to render a single triangle using the D3D12 API

- excerpt of Siggraph 2019 talk that proposes averaging of neighboring rays into cells
- using a jittered access + filtering to remove artifacts of discretization

- the article shows how to use the Radeon GPU Analyzer to generate hardware native ISA disassembly, provide resource and register usage statistics

- the article describes a demo scene effect that uses a 2D height map on a flat 2D shaded object to simulate the appearance of 3D voxels

- next part of tutorial series shows how to extend a sphere tracing implementation in Unity to use the depth buffer correctly
- shows the necessary shader state changes and how to calculate custom depth output in a pixel shader

- part 1 of a Unity tutorial series about the sand rendering in Journey
- show visually the contribution of the different shading components

Thanks to Michael Riegger for support of this series.
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