- copy of an article that was published in GPU Zen 2, updated for changes introduced with Vulkan 1.1 and 1.2
- covering memory management, Descriptor sets, command buffers, pipeline barriers, render passes and pipeline management

- video comparing rasterization and ray-tracing algorithm
- analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both techniques and how they complement each other

- the paper presents an overview of Temporal Antialiasing (TAA) techniques, the history, different implementation techniques
- follows up with a presentation of open challenges and discussion of possibilities for improvements

- presents findings from compressing PBR material information into a single texture
- developed for terrain-like materials
- shows a comparison of memory usage and performance improvements

- A FAQ for Vulkan best practices guide by ARM
- swap chain acquisition, image transitions, device lost debugging, and transient attachments

- the 7-min video provides a walk through the history of light transport research
- showing numerous techniques, how multi importance sampling can be used to combine multiple techniques
- closes with the presentation of the “Unifying points, beams, and paths in volumetric light transport simulation” (UPBP) paper

- the article presents an approximation to the GLSL trisect function
- trisect splits an angle into three equal parts, playing the same role as square root in quadratics

- the tutorial shows how to implement a skeletal animation system using Geometric Algebra (GA)
- additionally introduces the required GA concepts along the way

- the article presents how to pack UV and gradients (ddx, ddy) into 32-bit gbuffer channels
- this is used for deferred materials where the results of texture samples are not stored in the gbuffer

- the Unity tutorial shows how to implement a checkerboard pattern if a 2D player is behind another object
- this is achieved using the stencil buffer

Thanks to Aras Pranckevičius for support of this series.
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