- provides an introducing into linear blending
- explaining that pixels are no signal but rather samples taken at a given location
- presents the star-shaped artifact of bilinear filtering
- discusses an alternative to bilinear filtering with links to papers and analyzes the frequency response of some filters

- the article presents how to use the Mitsuba renderer to validate the results from a PBR renderer
- provides an overview of the file structure used by Mitsuba and how to convert units where required

- the article presents that Godot has now 3 update frequencies for shader parameters global, per-material and instance
- provides a few video examples that show use cases of global parameters for vegetation interactions

- collection of papers from the I3D 2020 conference

- part 5 of Nvidia ray tracing series
- focuses on the presentation of different visual effects that are created through ray tracing
- such as depth of field, motion blur, atmospheric effects

- Eric Haines will be giving a webinar on May 12
- explains concepts related to ray tracing, comparison of ray tracing and explain how specialized hardware can accelerate the workload
- additionally covering denoising and other techniques required to make interactive raytracing possible

- part 3 of Rust gfx-hal intro series
- shows all the steps required including binary serialization of mesh data, shader changes and all other Rust changes needed to render a spinning 3D teapot

- presentation from revision
- focuses on the physics of light interaction with matters
- overview of shading models and possible implementation techniques

- Cuda introduces new memory management functionality
- allows developers to reserve virtual memory ranges and map these ranges to physical memory on demand

- the article shows that the D3D12 alignment requirement rules have an exception for small textures that allows a reduction in alignment requirements
- this behavior needs to be explicitly requested and presents how to take advantage of it

- the article presents 3 different techniques for Unity that allow the color of UI elements to be dynamically adjusted
- shows pro and cons for each technique and what good use cases are

- talks aimed at computer science students starting to get started with GPU technology
- present an overview of GPU hardware architecture
- how functional programming is a good fit for GPUs
- shows how to adjust 2D rendering algorithms to be better adapted for the architecture
- overview of the graphics infrastructure (compilers, APIs, shader languages )

- the article and video and present a high-level overview of the rendering passes of Overwatch

Thanks to Deepak Surti for support of this series.
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