- detailed post presents the idea of “decorrelating” color channels to maximize information in texture channels and eliminate redundancy allowing data to be stored in fewer color channels
- introduction into Singular Value Decomposition SVD and how it can be used for channel decorrelation
- showing quality comparisons for a PBR texture set and discusses possible problems

- Version 2 of Windows Subsystem for Linux adds full support for D3D12 (not allows rendering to the screen yet)
- this is implemented as Linux kernel model driver to expose the GPU to user mode Linux applications
- DirectML and CUDA are implemented on top to allow machine learning on Linux guests

- relaxed cone step mapping for relief mapping to add more details
- async compute based tesselation for interactive terrain
- the interactive deformations have been implemented using texture-atlas based technique
- running pixel bound post-processing in parallel with the pre-pass of the following frame
- advice for the reduction of d3d12 hitches

- collection of concepts, macros, shader logics, that exists in unity build-in render pipeline and how they are represented in the new Universal Render Pipeline

- Khronos questionary that presents a list of suggestion for possible vulkan helper libraries
- looking for feedback on which libraries would be of most interest from developers

- Unity tutorial that shows how to use a navmesh as a base for minimap rendering

- the paper proposed a new method that aims to improve ray tracing by offsetting ray starting point aways from the originating leaf nodes of the acceleration structures
- the suggested proposal is generating an auxiliary data structure of hemispheres that make it robust to offset the ray starting point

- A unity tutorial that shows how to blend multiple textures together and save them to disk using Unity

- Eurographics & Eurovis 2020 conference will be virtual and streamed starting May 25-29, 2020

- brief overview and introduction into Mesh Shaders using OpenGL and Vulkan

- collection of notes about the content of the AMD talk presenting the AMD RDNA architecture and GPU optimizations
- presents a walkthrough of a MIP generation example

- A new newsletter with news and insight on volumetric filmmaking, virtual production, 3D rendering, and other emerging realities

Thanks to Trevor Black for support of this series.
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