- the paper proposes a formal model to describe how surfaces/media respond to incident radiation
- introduces a hybrid matter model for a locally stationary stochastic process

- the Vulkan tutorial shows how to use the Vulkan VK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur extension (exposed by Nvidia)
- shows how to extend a static ray tracer implementation with the necessary information to support motion(blur)
- contains API extensions for time-dependent tracing, motion support in acceleration structures, and support for changing vertex positions

- the article presents a derivation of new color spaces designed for more uniform color picker behavior
- discusses the different tradeoffs and how a perfect solution is not possible
- presents an overview of existing methods (HSV, HSL, HSLuv), discussing the tradeoffs, weaknesses, and strengths
- additionally provides an interactive implementation of all the color pickers

- the article presents a method for the rendering of static Constructive solid geometry SDFs
- breaks down an SDF into several sub-trees, with shader specialization for each
- requires a static source SDF; however, it could still change positions

- article introduces a prototyping system aimed at making multi-pass shader experiments easier
- implemented using Rust and GLSL
- presents how to implement several systems such as a path tracer, the game of life using the system

- signup and schedule for the Vulkanised conference has been published
- combination of talks and Vulkan layer authoring tutorials

- the article presents a look at the making of the fog lost in random
- shows how the visual style was achieved
- based on volumetric or screenspace fog based on the platform capabilities

- the paper introduces a new metric, CaMoJAB
- this considers how the judder, aliasing, and blur artifacts introduced by VRS are masked by the sensitivity limits of the visual system
- presents how to use the metric to derive VRS shading rate as well as required refresh rates

Thanks to Warren Moore for support of this series.
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