- the paper proposes a new technique to enable the temporal reuse of samples in scenarios where motion vectors are not enough / available
- core algorithm of the paper is patch-based correspondence detection within a hierarchical

- the paper provides an overview of Spectral Image Representation and Bi-spectral Reflectance
- explains what kind of materials require the information for correct representation
- proposes a way to store the data in the OpenEXR format

- the video provides an overview of a GPU based fluid solver
- written with WebGPU and Rust
- primarily focusing on the implementation details of the simulation

- the Unity tutorial shows how to implement a basic flow system in Unity
- implemented using a projection of 3D shapes into clip space
- flow is implemented using a double buffering approach using compute shaders

- the Unity tutorial explains how to implement a 2D effect where a mask controls the visibility of a line over time
- presents the code and unity setup necessary to implement the effect

- the video explains how to develop a mental model of 3D rotations
- based around the change of orientation from one coordinate space to another
- presents an overview of different ways to express rotations
- additionally shows how to use the techniques in Unity

- Khronos released the texture format 2.0, which now supports Basis Universal compression
- additionally, the new gltf KHR_texture_basisu extension allows the usage in gltf models

- the blog post describes the details about parsing DXIL (the output from the Microsoft Shader Compiler)
- shows how to parse various opcodes, details with SPIR-V
- provides an overview of the capabilities of the LLVM based encoding

Thanks to Joakim Dahl for support of this series.
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