- the article explains a method to simulate and render different warped space-times
- shows how to simulate the light to form a black hole

- the blog post provides a walkthrough of how to render 2D billiard balls in a pixel shader
- shows how to render a sphere, calculate normals, apply textures and specular lighting

- the article describes a method to generate a cubic Bézier curve that is parallel with a defined offset distance to another curve
- compares different methods and presents examples to experiment with the proposed techniques

- the article discusses how API pipeline state maps onto different hardware types
- presents how the open source Mesa stack provides solutions to the problem that can take advantage of the underlying hardware

- a collection of tweets about tech art, VFX, and related topics
- showcases in-progress developments and experiments

- the post discusses infinite impulse response (IIR filter)
- shows when one might want to use an IIR filter, discussing problems with the filters
- proposes a solution that uses a gradient descent optimization process to learn an IIR filter

- the second video of the series VHS filter series adds support for worn-out tape and tracking-out-of-phase effect
- implementation is done using Unity and Unreal shader graph system

Thanks to Ken Russell for support of this series.
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