- the paper presents a comparison of traversal and voxel intersection testing of signed distance function grids
- compares the performance of the different methods
- it additionally introduces a new method for interpolating normals for smoother edges across voxel edges

- the paper presents a method designed for VR applications that adjust colors to reduce display color consumption
- shows how to develop a perceptual model to detect what color changes in the peripheral vision are acceptable without being noticeable

- the blog post provides a method to allow the retargeting of animations between models that share a common rig setup
- presented method is meant for offline (tool) processing of the 3D model files

Als Rendering-Geek bist du mit den komplexesten Konzepten der Unity3D-Engine (z.B. Scriptable Rendering Pipeline) bestens vertraut.
Bei uns hast du die Möglichkeit Next-Level-3D-Datenstreaming innerhalb komplexer XR-Szenarien in enger Abstimmung mit unseren Kunden umzusetzen.

- the video tutorial presents how to implement a noise that recreates the interference of unshielded cables
- shows how to generate white noise and animate it for movements

- the slides for the Siggraph 2022 Advances in Real-Time Rendering course have been released
- covering runtime Catmull Clark Subdivision, Global Illumination and Ray Tracing in Unreal Engine 5, Unity hair system as well as water rendering in Horizon Forbidden West
- missing slides for Volumetric Clouds in Horizon Forbidden West as well as Cluster Path Tracing for Remote Rendering

- the article presents a visual interpretation of Quaternion mathematics
- starting from 2D rotations and developing towards 3D rotations from there

Double Fine Productions is looking for a full time graphics programmer to join its San Francisco based development studio. Having recently shipped the award winning Psychonauts 2, we are looking to expand our graphics and systems programming team to support the development of our future titles.
You will be responsible for developing rendering features, optimizing game performance and memory usage, and building low level systems on PC and Xbox.
Applicants should have a strong preference for working in a highly creative, innovative, and nimble development environment, where collaborating with design, audio, art, animation, tech, and other disciplines is standard.

- the video introduces the NVIDIA RTX Remix engine
- the runtime allows the interception of DX9 applications
- replaces the application renderer with the custom renderer
- it additionally allows all assets to be intercepted and exported into a USD format where the assets can be modified and reloaded into the original game

- the video tutorial explains how to improve an OpenGL shadow mapping implementation to allow softer edges
- presents a Percentage Closer Filtering implementation, discussing weaknesses and limitations of the techniques
- it also shows how to implement a method to improve the edge filtering by varying the sample positions

Thanks to Leonardo Etcheverry for support of this series.
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