- the video provides a great visual explanation of convolution filters
- starting with random number examples, expanding to image progressing filters such as blurring and sharpening
- additionally provides more details on methods to compute large convolution filters more quickly

- the article explains how to offset normals along spheres so that displacement doesn’t cause self-intersections
- additionally shows how to adjust the normas/tangents to match the displaced normals

- the AMD Radeon Raytracing Analyzer has been open-sourced
- it allows for visualization and inspection of Bounding Volume Hierarchies

Marmoset, developer of the real-time rendering software, Marmoset Toolbag, is looking for an experienced developer to help build bigger and better software tools for 3D artists.
The responsibilities of a Tools Engineer on the Marmoset team will focus on technical design and implementation of UI systems, and refining the user experience for new and existing workflows in 3D art production.

- new agility SDK release contains Enhanced Barriers (no longer in preview SDK, removing the need for developer mode)
- the Depth Bias and Index Buffer Strip Cut Value can now be changed after a pipeline has been set

- new Vulkan proposal outlines improvements to the management of descriptor memory
- to allow descriptors to be treated more explicitly and managed alongside other buffer objects
- shows how a form of GPU descriptor updates can be enabled

Double Fine Productions is looking for a full time graphics programmer to join its San Francisco based development studio. Having recently shipped the award winning Psychonauts 2, we are looking to expand our graphics and systems programming team to support the development of our future titles.
You will be responsible for developing rendering features, optimizing game performance and memory usage, and building low level systems on PC and Xbox.
Applicants should have a strong preference for working in a highly creative, innovative, and nimble development environment, where collaborating with design, audio, art, animation, tech, and other disciplines is standard.

- the presentation provides an overview of x64 assembly
- uses the presented information to show how to debug a stack corruption issue

- the series of blog posts aimed to share the lessons learned from tuning applications for AMD GPUs
- at this time, covering the Laplacian Finite Difference Method

- the article presents how to decompile NVidia OpenGL and Vulkan shader
- shows which tools are required to unpack the Nvidia caches and remap to the source shader names
- presented steps are Linux, but windows should follow similar procedures
- additionally, it presents a couple of examples of optimizations and their effect on the generated assembly

- a collection of tweets covering a flood filling, VFX breakdowns, unit shader books
- blender geometry nodes and work-in-progress game showcases

Thanks to Michael Hazani for support of this series.
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