- This article discusses a code sanitizer in CUDA that is similar to one used in C++
- The tool can detect race conditions, memory violations, uninitialized memory access, and thread synchronization issues.

- the article provides an in-depth study of a Diablo IV frame rendering on PC
- presents the different stages and passes of the frame
- additionally contains a section of some technical ticks & tricks that were employed from art and programming

- The paper introduces a new method for representing scattering with varying particle sizes using uniform parameters
- The method combines Henyey-Greenstein and Draine’s phase derivation
- The paper provides an analytic evaluation of the method
- The quality of the method is compared to other methods

- the video shows an humerous overview of what is required to model a camera, with functioning lenes, filters etc
- shows the difficulties and complexities that camera’s following a real-world model face
- finally shows a number of images that got generated using this method

- the article dicusses how to use signed distance functions to render a circle
- show render a circle with antialiasing, drop-shadows, and edge borders.

- the paper introduces a replacement for bottom-level BVH traversal based on neural network techniques
- presents performance and quality comparison
- additionally also shows how the presented technique is view and scene dependent

- the Siggraph 2023 course notes discuss the challenges faced related to water rendering on Avatar: The Path of water
- gives an overview of the challenges faced, a solid foundational background for the underlying models
- presents practical implementation strategies used
- additionally presents several unsolved problems

- the video explains the concept of convolution functions/filters
- starts with distinct distributions and generalizes from there into continuous functions
- develops two separate ways to visualize the computations and show how they allow different questions to be answered more neatly

Thanks to atyuwen for support of this series.
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