- The article provides an interactive explanation and exploration of Bezier curves
- presents how the curves are represented and controlled
- allows the user to change settings and interpolation settings to explore the effects on the curve

- Video recording of MaterialX-related developments in the virtual town hall meeting
- covering OpenPBR, MaterialX shader editor, MaterialX in USD, and many more topics

- Blog post explains the different compute shader semantics
- shows the difference between SV_DispatchThreadID, SV_GroupThreadID, SV_GroupID and SV_GroupIndex

- The simulator provides the ability to experiment with different factors that affect the vsync effect
- presents the effect of vblank intervals, CPU and GPU time differences, and how it affects frame stability and latency

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- The presentation and source code for the screen space shadows used in Days Gone have been released
- shows the effect, covering the implementation, and also discusses optimizations
- The code is released under the Apache License

- The paper introduces a Ray-aligned Occupancy Map Array as an alternative to BVH-based ray tracing
- shows how to generate the data structure from a single rasterization pass and compute-based processing
- comparing against Distance Field and Hardware Ray Tracing

- The paper presents a global illumination technique based on radiance cascades
- Radiance Casdaces allow the storing and calculating of radiance fields by decomposing them into multiple ranges (from near-field to far-field) with asymptotic scaling
- The paper discusses the data structure, implementation, and how the presented technique is used in Path of Exile 2

Thanks to Cort Stratton for support of this series.
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