- the video provides an overview of the FSR3 frame generation
- presents the state of FSR related to frame pacing with Vsync and variable refresh rates
- additionally presents the effect on latency and compares against DLSS

- the paper presents a method to incrementally construct a LOD structure for point clouds directly on the GPU and render points as they are still being loaded
- shows how the tree is built, the interaction between CPU and GPU, as well as a look at the performance

- the paper introduces a new method to render Spherical harmonics glyphs efficiently
- SH glyphs are used to visualize High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)
- presents how to intersect the rays, calculate bounding boxes, as well as how to apply shadows

Grinding Gear Games is seeking a C++ Engine Programmer to work on our in-house engine and tools. Our engine is specific to Path of Exile and attempts to solve the problems uniquely generated by the dynamic gameplay that we support while taking advantage of the opportunities granted by our fixed camera perspective.

- the website presents a collection of USDs and glTF information
- collection of introduction articles, specification links, as well as supporting tools

- the paper introduces the concept of micro grains to approximate layered materials
- allows the separation of structural properties from their reflectance properties
- present results, underlying theory, and approximations

- the in-depth article discusses noise generation
- presents a generation approach based on generating in the frequency domain
- source code and example app is provided

- the blog post discusses issues encountered when moving AnKi object visibility onto the GPU
- covers data layout, the command buffer building, as the occlusion techniques used

- This article explains in detail how to render 4D objects in 3D space
- shows orthographic projection, perspective projection and cross-section techniques to visualize 4D objects
- many visualizations and code examples are provided

- the article discusses Parallax-corrected cube maps and their related approximations
- discusses issues and limitations of the technique

- the article introduces that the Desmos calculator now supports 3D visualizations
- contains interactive examples to demonstrate the capabilities

- the blog post provides a summary of common spaces found in graphics operations
- covers texture, screen, object, world view as well as Projection Space

Thanks to Jasper Bekkers for support of this series.
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