- The paper introduces a machine learning model that generates a set of PBR Textures (albedo, Roughness, Metallic)
- trained on a locked RGB model to take advantage of existing models
- discusses how the model was designed, tradeoffs, and common failure cases

- the article discusses the new RenderGraph implementation in Godot 4.3
- discusses the limitations of the old system and the advantages of the new system
- shows the implementation of dependency tracking, dealing with sub-resources
- additionally discusses CPU and GPU performance impact

- the blog post article discusses the implementation of a box blur shader
- presents explanation of Gaussian, Kernels, Separable blurs
- closes with a discussion of things to do and avoid when implementing a blur shader for good results

- the Rendering Engine Architecture Conference is looking for speakers for the 2024 edition
- post describes what kind of talks are being looked for and the formats of the talks

- the course presents an introduction to GPU compute shader algorithms
- discusses the primitives available
- how to implement parallel reduction, prefix scan, and radix sort
- additionally presents a look at optimization techniques

- the video provides a history of ant-aliasing techniques used in games
- discusses capabilities and limitations of the different AA techniques
- presents in-depth the advantages and disadvantages of temporal antialiasing techniques
- all examples are presented with videos from games that use the presented techniques

- the article explains the extension method to gradient descents called Adam
- provided implementation is shown in C++

Thanks to Angel Ortiz for support of this series.
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