Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 349 - July 21st, 2024

Foliage in AMD FidelityFX™ Brixelizer GI

  • the 2-part article series explains how Brixelizer GI (a sparse distance field backed GI solution) limitations affect Foliage geometry
  • part 1 explains the limitations, and Part 2 covers how to extend the system to support Foliage (alpha-tested) geometry
  • the implementation of an additional Alpha cache helps to resolve the problem
  • additionally, it discusses how the system deals with animations

[video] Rectangle Signed Distance Field - Procedural Shapes and Patterns - Episode 4

  • the video presents how to create an SDF for a rectangle using Unity and Unreal
  • effect allows the modification of many parameters, including size, edge thickness, corner radius, and stroke thickness

Digital images

  • the article explains how images are represented
  • covers the build-up from single binary images to grayscale and, finally, color images
  • a brief discussion of the concept of resolution, human vision as well as DPI

Real-Time Procedural Generation with GPU Work Graphs

  • the paper presents a detailed look at how to use D3D12 work graphs to generate a procedural world
  • shows how multiple generation phases are combined with GPU ray-tracing to create a world
  • discusses how the BVH structure is used to place markers, generate Ivy, marketplace arrangements, as well as ground clutter
  • presents results with performance information

GPU Work Graphs mesh nodes in Microsoft DirectX® 12

  • the series of articles discusses how work graphs are now allowed to execute mesh rendering work
  • part 1 how presents the getting started guide through the code sample on basic setup
  • the second part focuses on best practices for performance
  • finally, the last part discusses how to use work graphs to procedurally generate and render a whole game world

PIX 2407.17-preview: Mesh Nodes in Work Graphs

  • A brief blog post discusses what aspects of the new mesh nodes preview for d3d12 can be debugged using Pix

SCALE by Spectral Compute

  • SCALE is a GPGPU toolchain allowing CUDA programs to be natively run on AMD GPUs
  • discusses what hardware is currently supported and how it’s achieved
  • documentation provides examples of how to get started

Instanced Skeletal Meshes with GPU Driven Animations using Vulkan

  • the article discusses a solution to allow GPU instanced and animated models using Vulkan
  • presented solution pre-calculates all bone transformations for all frames of the animations and calculates the sample index during the vertex shader stage

Real-Time Hair Rendering with Hair Meshes

  • the paper to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2024 presents a technique for rasterizing hair from hair strands
  • since it’s based on Hair meshes (which are protected by patents), I did not read it and can’t provide a summary
  • ensure to contact your legal team before proceeding to read

Thanks to Vivitsu Maharaja for support of this series.

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