- collection of the author’s articles from Ray Tracing Gems published in one place
- Ray Traced Shadows: Maintaining Real-Time Frame Rates, The Reference Path Tracer
- Refraction Ray Cones For Texture Level Of Detail, Rendering Many Lights With Grid-based Reservoirs

- the article provides an overview of shadowing techniques as they have been used by video games of the past
- presents examples of the different techniques, including screenshots of these techniques
- discusses a brief overview of each technique and its tradeoffs

- the article provides a walkthrough of quaternions deviations for computer graphics
- focuses on the formulas and algebra underlying the mathematical model
- includes a cheat sheet of the covered topics at the end of the article

- the paper introduces Energy-preserving Oren–Nayar (EON) BRDF designed for rough surfaces
- introduces analytical energy compensation and importance sampling via Clipped Linearly Transformed Cosine

- the article provides an introduction to the Global Illumination technique called Radiance Cascades
- focuses on the development of an intuition for the concepts that underly the technique
- the steps are explained visually with animated examples

- the post explains what a device lost event is and how to handle it from WebGPU
- shows the exposed API and how to react to the events
- discusses different approaches that can be taken to handle the event
- additionally provides pointers for Chrome-specific considerations for development

- the article provides a detailed overview of matrix multiplication
- starts with an overview of matrix multiplications
- discusses Row-major vs. column-major, differences between shading languages
- then focuses on multiplication ordering, space transformations as well as inversing

- the article discusses a technique to render debug fonts without the usage of textures
- presents how to embed glyph data into shaders and render from instanced draw calls
- GLSL source code is provided

Thanks to Steven Cannavan for support of this series.
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