- the blog post discusses a technique to use splines to drive the creation of terrain meshes
- including the history and a discussion of how to generate meshes from the splines
- additionally, present screenshots of an in-development game that uses a system based on the idea

- the article provides a look back at the development of offline rendering techniques
- presenting which techniques got used, how they changed over time, and when the first path tracers appeared
- additionally providing additional thought as to why things developed the way they did

- the project presents how to implement Material Mapping using MaterialX
- the included demo video shows the effect
- code is provided

- the blog post discusses how colorblindness affects how humans perceive colors
- presents a tool that aims to replicate how different limitations affect the appearance
- includes links to color palettes that maintain contrast for full vision and those with colorblindness

- the author presents an overview of the tools used to develop the Spark codecs
- discussing the importance of tooling and automation for efficient development
- additionally discusses how A/B testing algorithm changes are integrated into the codebase

- the video provides an overview of the various series covering shader development
- provides a quick overview of each of the series available on the channel
- additionally discusses the author’s background

- the blog post provides the author’s experience of working independently after leaving Roblox
- discusses changes to mesh optimizer, gltf-pack
- additionally discusses the viability of sustainable open-source development models

Thanks to Nia Bickford for support of this series.
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