- explanation of partial derivates in pixels shader, (ddx, ddy in HLSL or dFdx, dFdy in OpenGL)
- the rate of change for variables in a 2x2 pixel grid
- how they are calculated, how they can be used to calculate face normals from world space positions
- how branches interact with derivative calculations

- explanation of SIMD execution details for GCN
- discussing latency, throughput, and scheduling
- introduction of instructions that allow multiple SIMD lanes to exchange information
- extra requirements for pixel shaders

- a technique to rotate vectors on the GPU using only integer math
- aims to take advantage of packed operations and scalar integer operations

- Colin Barré-Brisebois is looking for feedback and open problems in real time raytracing
- this will influence the HPG 2018 keynote

- how to calculate the bounding box for quadratic and cubic Bezier splines analytically

- changing the color parts of a character at runtime using a mask texture
- detailed visual explanation of why this works for fixed colors but causes an issue when giving the option to blend between two colors
- using premultiplied colors removes the artifacts

- explanation of how blending HDR values into an SDR render target behaves regarding clipping into the [0,1] range
- shows how using non-premultiplied HDR values results in incorrect results and how this can be fixed by the use of premultiplied alpha colors

- tutorial how to write a Metal app for iOS
- end results is a spinning, constant color teapot
- deals with loading models, handling vertex data, shaders, constants and drawing

- showcase of small rendering demos that showcase volumetric rendering effects

- explanation of dark and stormy, cloudy skybox shader for unity
- source code and example assets are available

- a technique to generate quadrilateral meshes from triangulated meshes
- won the Best Paper Award at Symposium on Geometry Processing 2018
- source code available

- a library that aims to provide a thin abstraction layer on top of OpenGL, D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan, and Metal

- GLSL implementation as a starting point for a temporal antialiasing solution
- bibliography of the Real-Time Rendering 4th edition
- 1978 references