- slides for the layered real-time shading model discussed in issue 38
- using a statistical analysis of light transport in layered structures
- a visual explanation of the statistical analysis framework
- presentation of results, comparison against stochastic references and discussion of limitations of the technique

- slides for the technique discussed in issue 45
- explanation of problems with linear blending
- how contrast-preserving blending is able to mitigate some of these problems
- presents a histogram-preserving blending algorithm that has many use cases besides the introduced procedural texturing technique
- whenever you blend
- weighted data: use premultiplied blending
- data chosen randomly: use histogram-preserving blending

- video discussing a fully automated UV unwrapping tool
- explains all steps of the pipeline that tries to find the best projection technique for local parts of the model
- tool available for licensing

- added pixel history view for D3D12 and added support for support for Vulkan ray trace extension
- new GPU trace activity view visualizes the GPU utilization in more detail
- provides a breakdown of wrap level activity, connected to events and performance markers

- comparison of 3 techniques to generate blue noise
- visual quality comparison of three methods to generate blue noise
- the void and cluster technique produces the best results in the test

- integration of spherical harmonics over spherical polygons
- using a closed form expression with linear cost
- shows applications for area lights and approximating shadows from area lights

- Nvidia open sourced the MDL SDK (Material Definition Language)
- set of tools that allow materials to be shared between different renderers
- can generate texturing functions for multiple backends; however the GLSL backend is NOT part of the open source release

slides and video for the “Introduction to DirectX RayTracing” track from Siggraph 2018 have been released

- the pdf version of the Ray Tracing Minibooks series has been released for free

- new GPU architecture from Nvidia
- dedicated ray tracing hardware
- volta cores have int8 and int4 support
- support for variable rate shading

- list of author’s favorite papers with a brief summary of the content

- slides for the Siggraph course about the fundamentals of color science and color management for games and film

- slides for the Siggraph course
- provides an overview of all API interfaces required to render 3D meshes

- fully vulkan 1.1 compatible
- support for VK_EXT_conditional_rendering, VK_KHR_8bit_storage

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