- a new technique for continuous level of detail generation of point clouds, designed for VF applications
- additive point storage, each point is assigned to one level
- compute shader used to iterate over all points, time-sliced over multiple frames, and builds a new vertex buffer that only contains required points
- each point is classified into distinct LOD levels + a random factor, this makes it possible to allow the set to be changed continuously
- points have a blend zone to reduce aliasing, in this zone point sizes are adjusted so that they gradually are blended to the final extent as the camera approaches the points

- explains how the lightning effect in The Witcher 3 has been implemented
- based on a tree-like mesh that is expanded based on the normals and additive blending

- explanation of half-pel filters
- shows properties of different filters common in video compression and how they perform when applied multiple times
- common filters are “unstable” when executed multiple times
- the feedback loop causes the results to be oversharpened until the results become unrecognizable
- presents a filter that does not have a feedback loop problem and converges to a slightly softened but stable result

- survey about the Vulkan memory allocator library
- how it is used, how the experience is and what features are you used or are missing

- getting started guide that shows how to use the bgfx library
- initialize the library and render a cube to the window

- overview of the state of graphics APIs in Rust
- presents wgpu-rs, a higher level API based on the WebGPU API that is being designed for use in the browser

- overview of particle system samples that have been created with the Visual Effect Graph in Unity
- including small video demonstrations of most effects

- an unofficial updated version of Ray Tracing Gems with fixes for the errors found in the original book

- presents how to find a GPU crash on a low-end Vulkan device
- caused by a GPU driver timeout, requiring the work to be split into smaller submits

- overview of all sessions AMD is involved with during GDC 2019
- will later also include links to the slides as they become available

Thanks to Aras Pranckevicius for support of this series.
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