- presents how Granite deals with vkPipeline management
- API designed for user convenience
- hashmaps used for control of the different state combinations
- pre-warmed with information from previous runs using Fossilize

- explains a code generation method to generate helper functions to make indexing into unbounded resource tables more convenient
- uses glslang symbol information to auto-generate accessor functions

- explains the BHH (Bounding Half-Space Hierarchy) data-structure
- allows sorting of 3D objects with sublinear search

- bibliography file containing 2000+ entries, in computer graphics, rendering, transport theory, and statistics

- part 3 of the volumetric cloud rendering series
- the code has been released on github
- Open VDB is used to store volumetric data

- a twitter thread that provides an overview about how games, especially in regards to texturing, have changed since the 90s

- presents the rendering architecture used for the raytracing demo
- uses nearby pixels to fill in missing lighting information
- temporal reprojection is used to gather extra information from the last 6 frames

- overview of the state of graphics API wrappers and libraries for rust

- explains 3D camera projections
- shows the influence of the camera FoV and how it changes the perceived image
- presents how to calculate a perspective and orthographic projection matrix

- shows how to convert effects from unity shader code to use the ShaderGraph system

Thanks to Eric Haines for support of this series.
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